„Die Partei der Wirtschaft“ wollten wir Grüne nie sein. Das klang nach FDP. Für die hatte, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, in den 80er Jahren ihr Wirtschaftsminister Bangemann formuliert: „Wirtschaftspolitik… Weiterlesen »
Wirtschaft & Industrie
Study | The Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): Global leader in infrastructure finance, at what cost?
The Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): Global leader in infrastructure finance, at what cost? The AIIB’s Approach to Transparency and Public Access to Information. A study by Dr. Korinna… Weiterlesen »
#186 Was bringt das EU-China-Investitionsabkommen? | BÜTIS WOCHE
Das chinesisch-europäische Investitionsabkommen CAI (Comprehensive Agreement on Investment) war seit Längerem ein wichtiger Teil meiner China-Arbeit. Im Dezember und nun im Januar aber stand das Thema ganz, ganz vorne, weil… Weiterlesen »
Zitat Reinhard Bütikofer: Europaparlament fordert Aus für Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2
Zur heute angenommenen Russland-Resolution des Europäischen Parlaments erklärt Reinhard Bütikofer (Grüne/EFA): “Mit 449 zu 136 Stimmen und 95 Enthaltungen hat das Europaparlament heute ein Aus für Nord Stream 2 gefordert…. Weiterlesen »
The EU must strongly address the growing Chinese influence in Serbia and the impending ecological impacts thereof | joint letter
Dear Commissioner Várhelyi, We, the undersigned Members of Parliament, are writing to you to highlight the continued environmental damage resulting from several heavy industrial projects in Serbia by Chinese owned… Weiterlesen »
REPORT on Connectivity and EU-Asia Relations
I would like to share with you the text of my report “Connectivity and EU-Asia relations” as it has been accepted by AFET with a vote of 54 in favour,… Weiterlesen »
Public Consultation on the planned extension of French 900MWe nuclear reactors
Dear Commissioner Simson, Dear Commissioner Sinkevičius, It has come to our attention that France has opened a public consultation with regard to the extension of the running time of its… Weiterlesen »
What to expect from the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment? I VIDEO
As the year 2020 is moving closer to its end, we took a closer look at the state of play of EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. Our great experts analysed promises… Weiterlesen »
VIDEO I An Agenda for Transatlantic Trade under Biden
Together with four great experts we discussed “An Agenda for Transatlantic Trade under Biden”: As president-elect Joe Biden organises his transition, discussions on either side of the Atlantic give renewed… Weiterlesen »
Con-nec-ti-vi-ty: What is that? – Discussing an important EU strategy | VIDEO
A Con-nec-ti-vi-ty Strategy? What’s that? Doesn’t that sound a bit bureaucratic? Maybe, but behind an unpopular term hides a very exciting topic. This week we discussed Connectivity with three great… Weiterlesen »
Plenum in Brüssel, Parlamentsreden in Berlin | Bütis Plenarnotizen November 2020
In den Sitzungswochen des Europäischen Parlaments gibt es statt einer Bütis Woche meine Plenarnotizen, kleine, subjektive Videoberichte über die Themen der Woche. In dieser Woche habe ich an der Sitzungswoche… Weiterlesen »
Parliamentary Session | Elimination of customs duties on certain products | EU-US lobster mini-deal
In this weeks parliamentary session the EU-US lobster mini-deal was also part of the agenda. Watch my contribution on this matter here: (Due to the current Corona regulations, the speech… Weiterlesen »