INVITATION | China’s coercive pressure on Australia – making them pay for 14 sins? | online conference

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to a webinar on “China’s coercive pressure on Australia – making them pay for 14 sins?”

The coercive pressure which China is presently indulging in vis-à-vis Australia has not received a lot of public attention. To many it may look like a “China-Australia-only” affair. But Europeans should pay extra attention to what is going on. As the economic partnership between China and the EU is developing, we may to learn from the Australian experience about how they deal with a systemic rival. For this debate, we have won three distinguished speakers from Australia, France and Germany who will share their insights in this 90 minutes webinar.

When: Tuesday, 9 March 2021 – online conference – 9-10.30 am Brussels/7-8.30 pm Canberra


  • Kimberley Kitching, Australian Senator for Victoria (Labour Party) and IPAC Co-Chair
  • Prof. Heribert Dieter, Stiftung Wissenschaft & Politik
  • Arnaud Danjean, MEP (Les Républicains/EPP), Member of EP Delegation with Australia and New Zealand

Moderated by Reinhard Bütikofer, MEP (Greens/EFA)

Places are limited, so please register early via this link