Gemeinsam mit 64 anderen Abgeordneten, aus 21 EU-Mitgliedstaaten und 7 Fraktionen habe ich einen Brief an EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk und EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker unterschrieben, in dem wir den Stop des Nord Stream 2 Projektes fordern.
In dem Brief fordern wir den Rat und die Kommission auf, dringend Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, die sicherstellen, dass dieses Hochrisikoprojekt nicht weiter vorankommt.
Der Bau der Nord Stream 2 Pipeline ist nicht nur nachteilig für die Europäische Sicherheits- bzw. Klimapolitik, sondern untergräbt ebenfalls die aufkommende Europäische Energieunion.
Der komplette Brief mit allen unterzeichnenden MdEP’s ist hier zu finden:
MEP Letter on Nord Stream 2
For the attention of:
The President of the European Council, Mr Donald Tusk,
The President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker
Urgent action required to stop the Nord Stream 2 project
According to the company behind Nord Stream 2, the project is now so advanced that formal applications for construction in EU Member State territorial waters will be submitted within a matter of days or weeks, as reported in Danish media.
We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, hereby stress our strong opposition to Nord Stream 2 and call upon The European Council and the European Commission to take urgent action to ensure, that this high-risk project does not go ahead.
It is our firm conviction that the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline would be highly detrimental to both European Security and European climate policy. Furthermore, it would actively undermine the provisions of the nascent European Energy Union. As such, this is a matter not of strictly national competence but a matter, which will have far-reaching European consequences.
Allowing the Nord Stream 2-pipeline to go ahead would only serve to increase European dependency on Russian gas, provide Russia with the means to bypass and effectively boycott Ukraine and a number of EU Member States and unnecessarily prolong European consumption of fossil fuels.
Furtermore, Nord Stream 2 will be a powerful weapon in the Russian diplomatic arsenal. A weapon Europe can ill afford to provide them.
We need not reminde the European Council and the European Comission that Russia has repeatedly used its gas supply – and the revocation thereof – as a tool to punish countries that stray from the path the Kremlin has set out for them. Europe should not allow itself nor its neighbouring countries to be subjected to such treatment.
Keeping in mind the current Russian regime’s litany of aggressive actions from the illegal occupation and annexation of Crimea, to actively trying to influence democratic elections in other countries and its sustained programme of misinformation targeted at European citizens, we insist that such actions should no be tolerated. Let alone rewarded by granting permission to a project such as Nord Stream 2.
The European Union must stand united in rejecting Nord Stream 2, and we look to The European Council and the European Commission to take practical action in the matter and ensure a swift, united an unequivocal rejection of the Nord Stream 2 porject in both word and deed.