The US is for many European industry sectors the most important export market outside Europe. Therefore, trade relations with the USA are of crucial importance to the European mechanical engineering… Weiterlesen »

The US is for many European industry sectors the most important export market outside Europe. Therefore, trade relations with the USA are of crucial importance to the European mechanical engineering… Weiterlesen »
Please join us via Zoom on Wednesday, 21st April, 6-7:30pm (Brussels/Berlin time) and 12-1:30 pm (Washington/New York time) Click here to register! Description The US is for many European industry… Weiterlesen »
Meine Rede in der heutigen Debatte zum Tagesordnungspunkt: “Exercise of the Union’s rights for the application and enforcement of international trade rules”: My contribution in todays plenary debate on “Exercise… Weiterlesen »
I would like to share with you the text of my report “Connectivity and EU-Asia relations” as it has been accepted by AFET with a vote of 54 in favour,… Weiterlesen »
As the year 2020 is moving closer to its end, we took a closer look at the state of play of EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. Our great experts analysed promises… Weiterlesen »
Together with four great experts we discussed “An Agenda for Transatlantic Trade under Biden”: As president-elect Joe Biden organises his transition, discussions on either side of the Atlantic give renewed… Weiterlesen »
Since the EU-China Summit in 2019, expectations had been swirling around that the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) could/should/would be finalized before the end of this year. At the… Weiterlesen »
In this weeks parliamentary session the EU-US lobster mini-deal was also part of the agenda. Watch my contribution on this matter here: (Due to the current Corona regulations, the speech… Weiterlesen »
As president-elect Joe Biden organises his transition, discussions on either side of the Atlantic give renewed attention to the prospects of EU-US trade relations, what are the possibilities, what are… Weiterlesen »
I was pleased to present my draft report on Connectivity and EU-Asia relations this week in the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET)
(Published in German on 29 October 2020 at 13:20.) This week I submitted the draft of my report for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the European… Weiterlesen »
Ifri, the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe and Konrad Adenauer Foundation Multilateral Dialogue organized a videoconference called “Trade, Investments, Technology, Climate Change, Human Rights: How should the EU Deal… Weiterlesen »