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Dezember 2020

European Green Party (EGP) Council

2. Dezember 2020 - 6. Dezember 2020

The Council has been designed as a hybrid event, broadcasted online from Warsaw. Further information here

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Dein Digitaler Feierabend | Thema: Die USA und Joe Biden | Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen Thüringen

2. Dezember 2020, 19:00 - 21:00

Die Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA erzielt üblicherweise eine weltweite Aufmerksamkeit, die in diesem Jahr allerdings noch etwas höher war. Als Sieger der Wahl ging der Demokrat Joe Biden hervor, der…

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Sitzung Handelsausschuss

3. Dezember 2020, 08:00 - 10:00
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Between Coordination and Competition: The EU, China, and the new Reality of Climate Action | European Council on Foreign Relations

3. Dezember 2020, 11:00 - 12:30

In this virtual roundtable discussion ECFR and E3G will present the key findings of their latest policy brief that maps the geopolitical dimension of the… 3 December 2020, 11:00 –…

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Europe’s Digital Decade? | Clingendael – the Netherlands Institute of International Relations |

3. Dezember 2020, 14:00 - 15:00

TikTok or Facebook? Alibaba or Amazon? GDPR or CBPR? GAIA-X or GoogleCloud? Huawei or Ericson? EU citizens should have real choices that serve their own interests rather than those of…

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INVITATION I What to expect from the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment? I 7 December

7. Dezember 2020, 10:00 - 11:30

Since the EU-China Summit in 2019, expectations had been swirling around that the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) could/should/would be finalized before the end of this year. At the…

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Plenarsitzung Europäisches Parlament

14. Dezember 2020 - 17. Dezember 2020

  Weitere Informationen und Tagesordnung in Kürze auf den Seiten des Europäischen Parlaments

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Januar 2021

Cluster International

12. Januar 2021, 16:30 - 18:30
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