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#speaker Online panel discussion on the EU strategy towards authoritarian and illiberal leaders | Res Publica Europa

15. Februar 2021, 17:00 - 19:30

Online panel discussion on the EU strategy towards authoritarian and illiberal leaders
Monday 15 February 17:00-19:30


  • Nathalie Tocci, Special Advisor to EU HRVP Josep Borrell
  • Reinhard Bütikofer MEP and Chair of the EP Delegation to China
  • Hans Kribbe, political theorist and author of “The Strongmen: European Encounters with Sovereign Power”.
  • Steven Erlanger Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Europe at The New York Times

As Europe starts to draw the lessons of the Trump Presidency and assesses its options to promote its values abroad, the need for renewed engagement internationally will become very clear. Res Publica Europa invites you to this panel discussion where we set out to explore how Europe adopting a pragmatic approach to handling illiberal and authoritarian regimes could help meet the EC’s ambitions to become more geopolitical.

We will also discuss RPE’s proposals drafted in the run-up to the 2019 elections: the Green Deal, how to Turn Europe Into a True World Power and a Reform of the EU’s Defense Policy (Click Here for details). From the starting point of the EU’s handling and challenges in dealing authoritarian regimes in Turkey, China, Russia and until recently, the U.S., these are some of the topics we will address during our exchange on 15 February.
Join in the conversation as invited guests will examine not only Europe’s experience with Strongmen around the world, but also new strategic approaches to foreign relations.

Registration is not obligatory to watch the livestream. You are welcome to register if you wish to receive a reminder and updates about the event

More Information here


15. Februar 2021
17:00 - 19:30