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20. Außenpolitische Jahrestagung 2020 (nicht öffentlich)
31. Januar 2020, 08:30 - 16:00
The 20th Foreign Policy Conference of the Heinrich Boell Foundation will explore the potential of new alliances between Germany, the EU and like-minded non-European countries in different fields of global governance and multilateralism.
After Germany and France launched an Alliance for Multilateralism at the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2019, the 20th Foreign Policy Conference of the Boell Foundation will explore this concept in depth and address the following overarching questions:
- In which policy fields should Berlin and Paris reach out for new global partners? How could new partners help advancing multilateral approaches in security, trade or climate issues?
- Which countries would be ideal candidates for a global Alliance for Multilateralism? Should Berlin focus on like-minded countries such as Canada and Japan, or reach out also to similar-minded countries in Latin America, Africa or Asia?
- Which repercussions are to be expected for the EU and NATO? Would an Alliance for Multilateralism divert too much attention from the transatlantic and European project and lead to a devaluation of the EU and NATO?