Conference: Digitising Europe’s Industry – Are we on the right track?

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Digital technologies are driving a new industrial revolution. European businesses have to engage in this development to remain competitive globally. But the competition is tough. Countries such as the United States, South Korea and Japan are moving ahead. China under its new 5 year plan is also committing to an industrial digitalisation strategy with Chinese companies acquiring leading European companies, such as Kuka, in this field. At this conference, we will discuss on one hand the state of play regarding the digitisation of European industry. How is Europe faring compared to its international competition? On the other, we will look at how sustainability, competitiveness and social factors come together in the digitalisation drive. How can the digitalisation of industry be shaped to address global societal challenges? What are the political possibilities to advance a digitalisation competitiveness agenda that simultaneously advances sustainability and social aspects?

On 7 September, on my invitation, we will have the pleasure to welcome Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society for a keynote at our Greens/EFA conference  „Digitising Europe’s Industry – Are we on the right track?“.

Under Commissioner Oettinger, the European Commission has just recently published a communication entitled „Digitising European Industry: Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market“. Starting this autumn, the European Parliament’s ITRE committee will take up its work on a report on this subject, which I will coordinate as a rapporteur.


Date & Venue

7 September
ASP 1 G 3 European Parliament, Brussels







Registration and entry into European Parliament



Welcome and introductory remarks

Reinhard Bütikofer, MEP



Keynote speech

Günther Oettinger
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society






Panel 1
Digitising Industry: Cui bono?

Prof. Dr. Irene Bertschek
ZEW – Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim

 John Tuccillo
Senior Vice President of Global Industry and Government Affairs, Schneider Electric

Prof. Arnold Tukker
Professor of Industrial Ecology and Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Leiden

Dirk Bergrath
IG Metall, Head of EU Liaison Office

Moderator Claude Turmes, MEP (Greens/EFA)



Panel 2
What can we learn from our international competitors?

Michael Mandel
Chief Economy Strategist at the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) and founder of Visible Economy LLC

Dr. Cho Dong-Sung
Professor of Strategy, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and Seoul National University

Jost Wübbeke
Head of Programme Economy & Technology, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)

Moderator Jakop Dalunde, MEP (Greens/EFA)



Concluding remarks