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WEBINAR “The Situation of Foreign Journalists and Media Workers in China” | 21.03 | 12.30 CET

21. März 2022, 12:30 - 13:30


I would like to invite you to my webinar “The Situation of Foreign Journalists and Media Workers in China“, which will take place on 21 March, 12:30 to 13:30 CET.

We will discuss this topic with our distinguished speakers Xifan Yang (China correspondent for the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit) and Steffen Wurzel (former Shanghai correspondent for the German broadcaster ARD and Deutschlandfunk), who both have extensive experience of reporting on the ground in China.

At the end of January 2022, the Beijing-based Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China released its latest report on media freedom in China (you can find the report “Locked Down and Kicked Out” under this link). The report describes an ever-more increasing deterioration of the reporting landscape in China since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020. Journalists describe “unprecedented hurdles” and Chinese government efforts to further tighten working conditions for journalists on the ground. The Winter Olympics in Beijing in February have not contributed to a relaxation of that, quite the contrary. In times of growing tensions between Europe and China, it is important to be better informed about developments in China. However, the increasing restrictions against independent media work in China and the Chinese government’s efforts to control international reporting on itself and tell its preferred “China story” will not contribute to a better understanding of developments inside and outside China.

After inputs from the speakers, we will open our interactive online format for a discussion with the participants. The webinar is public; a recording will be made available afterwards.

I look forward to an interesting discussion and hope to see you there! Please do not hesitate to share this invitation with others.

With kind regards,Reinhard Bütikofer



21. März 2022
12:30 - 13:30

