Breakfast Meeting on Green and Clean? How to enable a sustainable European Financial System

Together with MEP Molly Scott Cato I organise a breakfast meeting on:

How to enable a sustainable European Financial System

Date: 12 April
Time: 8.00 – 9.30
Venue: European Parliament – Brussel | Members Salon

Effective and fit-for-purpose sustainability disclosure by the private sector is key to provide the information needed by the investment community to drive capital flows into sustainable business activities. The recently published European Commission’s “Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth” provides a perfect opportunity to drive that agenda forward. Also, the European Parliaments’s own initiative report on “Sustainable Finance” is currently undergoing its legislative process in the ECON committee.

This breakfast meeting seeks to stimulate the debate about the topic of non-financial reporting at European level.

The panel of speakers will share contributions from the European Parliament, the European Commission, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) and a first-hand testimonial from an investor that requires his portfolio companies to report on climate and environment related impacts.

08:00 – 08:05 Introduction by the chair MEP Reinhard Bütikofer
08:05 – 08:15 Contribution by MEP Molly Scott Cato, Rapporteur on the Sustainable Finance EP own initiative report
08:15 – 08:25 Presentation by Antoine Bégasse, Policy Coordination Financial Services, DG FISMA, European Commission
08:25 – 08:35 Presentation by Mirjam Wolfrum, Director Policy & Reporting, CDP Europe
08:35 – 08:45 Presentation by Esther Crauser-Delbourg, AXA Group (tbc)
08:45 – 09:25 Q&A and discussion
09:25 – 09:30 Conclusions by the chair/closing of the meeting

Seats are limited, so please register asap by email with