LEADERSHIP CHANGE IN CHINA – Informal Round Table on China – Livestream Wednesday 14 November 2012, 13h00 – 15h00

LEADERSHIP CHANGE IN CHINA – Informal Round Table on China – Livestream Wednesday 14 November 2012, 13h00 – 15h00 Livestream



Dear colleagues and friends,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The 18th Communist Party Congress comes at a crucial period for the country. The challenges awaiting the new Chinese leadership are paramount. AsChinacontinues to rise, the choices this leadership will make and will implement are going to resonate globally. ForEuropethere will be wide ranging implications concerning trade, investment and monetary policy as well as strategic foreign policy and security issues.

To what degree does the outcome of the 18th Party Congress allow informed assumptions about the course to be followed by Beijingin the future? The Chinese leader has recently shown relevant internal divisions more openly than in the past. Will the new 5th generation leaders steer the People’s Republic into unknown waters and experiment with new ideas? Or will the new leadership – as has been suggested – carry out a shift to the left?

You are cordially invited to our next informal China Round Table on

Wednesday 14 November 2012, 13h00 – 15h00

We have invited two experts: Ms Zhu Yi, Head of Programs Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Beijing Office and Ms Anja Senz, Managing Director of the Confucius Institue Metropolis Ruhr. A sandwich lunch will be provided.

The event will take place in the European Parliament. A1G3. Please register by sending an e-mail to reinhard.buetikofer@europarl.europa.eu. Should you require a badge, please provide us with your full name, date of birth, nationality and passport number.

Great Hall of the People – flickr.com/Pondspider

Kind regards,

MEPs Elmar Brok and Reinhard Bütikofer

The Brussels Institue of Contemporary China Studies

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung