Anniversary since the imposition of the so-called national security law for Hong Kong | Letter to Commission + Answer

Joint letter from the co-chairs of the European Parliament’s informal Hong Kong Watch Group on the occasion of a one year anniversary since the imposition of the so-called national security law for Hong Kong

Dear President von der Leyen
Dear President Michel
Dear Vice-President/High Representative Borrell,

On the occasion of a one year anniversary since the imposition of the so-called national security law for Hong Kong, and the de-facto dismantling of the city’s freedoms and high-degree of autonomy, please find attached a joint letter from the co-chairs of the European Parliament’s informal Hong Kong Watch Group. 

With kind regards,
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (Greens/EFA, Germany)
Miriam Lexmann MEP (EPP, Slovakia)
Juan Fernando López Aguilar MEP (S&D, Spain)
Petras Auštrevičius MEP (Renew, Lithuania)
Anna Fotyga MEP (ECR, Poland)

Answer by Commission