INVITATION I ECA report presentation: The EU’s response to China’s state-driven investment strategy I 28 October

China has been implementing a “state-driven investment strategy” to enable a strong export-driven economy since the 1980s. The European Court of Auditors (ECA) looked at the EU’s response to this strategy and identified several challenges and implementations of China’s economic rise for the EU. We would be delighted to discuss ECA’s findings with you and with our experts at our online event:

ECA report presentation: The EU’s response to China’s state-driven investment strategy

On Wednesday, 28 October 2020 at 16:15 – 17:45 p.m. CET

Discussion with:

Annemie Turtelboom, Member of ECA

• Maria Martin-Prat, Director of Asia, Services and Digital Trade, Investment and IP at DG Trade

• Inge Bernaerts, Director of the Policy and Strategy at DG Competition

• Mikko Huotari, Executive Director of Merics

After the presentation of the report bei Annemie Turltelboom (ECA member) and the contribution by Maria Martin-Prat, Inge Bernaerts and Mikko Huotari, we will open our interactive online format for a discussion with all participants.

Please note that the number of participants is limited, we therefore recommend an early registration here: (Important: the event starts at 16:15 p.m., even if indicated otherwise on the zoom platform)

We look forward to discussing with you.

I was pleased to take part in a Video announcement of ECA’s review last month. My statement: “We have to investigate what kind of China expertise we should build up not just in our institutions but also in the private sector and troughout societal structures.”