No. LXV Evelyne Huytebroeck, Belgium

August 1970 summer holidays in Prague: I am 12 years old, Russian tanks in the streets are scarring me, fear and silence from my Czech’s friends at the sight of the ” spy of the building” crossing the stairs impress me.
Their hopes for more freedom are annihilated. My friend Ivana dreams of coming back to live in Brussels in order to find peace and freedom and a daily life that wouldn’t be under constant state control.

December 1984: back to Prague, clandestinely bringing forbidden political documents to dissidents leaders Jiři, Petr…members of the movement “the chart of 77”. News from their friends refugees to the West as the MEP Jiři Pelikan. Vačlav Havel is still under control of the police, several militants for free expression are in jail. Bringing support by telling them we won’t forget them, by saying that their fight for freedom is right and that their courage should be admired is my principal message to them.

21 of August 2018: 50 years after 1968, remember the hope brought by Dubček and violently oppressed on that day, the bravery of the opposition against an oppressive government. Thinking that those kind of fights have to continue wherever freedoms in the world are threatened and flouted.

Evelyne Huytebroeck, member of the Brussels Parliament, ecologist, former minister of environment, climate and youth