Circular Economy: The Parliament’s vote pushed this important agenda forward!

Commenting on today’s vote in the European Parliament on a series of reports that aim to revise legislation on waste and packaging called “Circular Economy”, European Green Party Co-Chair Reinhard Bütikofer said:

“The European Parliament voting on the proposals by the Environment Committee for enhancing the circular economy has shown great resolve to promote this transformation of Europe’s economy.

“The Juncker Commission, when it first came into office, was misguided by some business lobbyists to renounce ambitious plans advocated by Commissioner Potočnik and the Barroso II Commission in 2014.

“Under heavy pressure from industries concerned, civil societies, stakeholders, member states and from the European Parliament, the Juncker Commission then promised to increase the ambition on the circular economy. Now, the European Parliament has moved to make good on the Commission’s promise.

“We expect that some member states and some stubborn lobbies will try to reduce the level of ambition, but the EU would be wasting time it does not have if it did not move forward to overcome step by step the waste paradigm in order to build a full circular economy.

“Going circular means advancing the dynamic and the resilience of Europe’s economy. Not doing this means running in circles while others progress.”

Photo by kevin dooley