Greens EFA hearing on transatlantic relations

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The outcome of the U.S. midterm elections will have significant impact on Washington’s priorities in many areas including climate change, international economic governance or security and defense.
Our hearing will examine how the composition of the next U.S. Congress will affect the transatlantic relationship. It comes at a timely juncture, as preparations are underway for the upcoming EU-US Summit in Lisbon.

“What impact will the U.S. Congressional elections have on the transatlantic partnership?”
Wednesday 10 November 2010, 17:00 – 18:30
European Parliament room ASP 1G3
The introductory remarks will be given by Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, Vice-Chair of the Greens/ EFA in the European Parliament

Inputs by Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin,
William Drozdiak, President of the American Council on Germany in New York City.
Presentations will be followed by discussion and Q&A. Interpretation will be provided.