Just a few days ago, President Biden raised the option of setting up a strategic infrastructure initiative between a coalition of democratic countries, aiming at providing an alternative to China´s… Weiterlesen »

Just a few days ago, President Biden raised the option of setting up a strategic infrastructure initiative between a coalition of democratic countries, aiming at providing an alternative to China´s… Weiterlesen »
As the European Parliament´s rapporteur on connectivity, it is my pleasure and honor to invite you to a high-level webinar to explore ways and chances for a transatlantic cooperation on… Weiterlesen »
Today I was able to present my connectivity report to the plenary. My speech: Heute konnte ich meinen Konnektivitätsbericht im Plenum vostellen. Meine Rede:
I would like to share with you the text of my report “Connectivity and EU-Asia relations” as it has been accepted by AFET with a vote of 54 in favour,… Weiterlesen »
A Con-nec-ti-vi-ty Strategy? What’s that? Doesn’t that sound a bit bureaucratic? Maybe, but behind an unpopular term hides a very exciting topic. This week we discussed Connectivity with three great… Weiterlesen »
A Con-nec-ti-vi-ty Strategy? What’s that? Doesn’t that sound a bit bureaucratic? Maybe, but behind an unpopular term hides a very exciting topic. Connectivity is, to put it simply, about how… Weiterlesen »
I was pleased to present my draft report on Connectivity and EU-Asia relations this week in the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET)
(Published in German on 29 October 2020 at 13:20.) This week I submitted the draft of my report for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the European… Weiterlesen »