Europäische Grüne: Keine Ausverkauf der griechischen Wasserversorgung!

Ahead of the Eurogroup meeting taking place on 5 December, European Green Party Co-Chairs Reinhard Bütikofer and Monica Frassoni said:

“The Eurogroup needs to ensure the sustainability of Greek debt in the political interests of Europe and the Eurozone. It is also necessary in order to avoid any disruption of the progress achieved by the country and pave the way for Greece’s restoring to sustainable prosperity and access to quantitative easing and financial markets.

“We believe austerity policies have failed, and we insist on the productive restructuring of debt.

“European Greens are concerned about the interventions requested in the Greek program evaluation process, particularly about those the water and energy sectors. It is a critical need to protect the social character of public goods, based on requirements of the Constitution and European principles.

“Privatization procedures in the energy sector should conform to targets of the Paris agreement and meet the basic criterion of decarbonization.”

Photo by dimitrisvetsikas1969 (Pixabay)