Europäische Grüne positionieren sich gegenüber DiEM25 – Ja zur energischen Demokratisierung der EU

Ja, die demokratische Reform der EU muss vorangetrieben werden – dringend! Diesen Grundgedanken teilen die Europäischen Grünen mit der kürzlich vom ehemaligen griechischen Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis in Berlin gestarteten Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25) – auch wenn nicht alle seine Vorschläge unsere Zustimmung finden.

Hier das Originalstatement von Monica Frassoni und mir:

European Greens have dedicated over the years energy and political commitment to the democratisation of the European project and its success, and we are deeply worried of the way in which the EU is losing touch with its people and its values. This is why we are working to strengthen the Green proposal and strategy to help bring back the EU from the path of divisions and disintegration it is going through today. In this sense we are interested in engaging this conversation with all movements and parties committed to fostering an inclusive, democratic, greener and functional European Union.

Yesterday in Berlin a new initiative, Democracy in EuropeMovement2025 was launched by Yanis Varoufakis and others. Indeed, we are not on the same page with several of the statements and analyses of the DIEM25 manifesto, but we share the sense of urgency to engage in favour of a large, European-wide debate and mobilisation around the issue of EU revisitation and democratisation.

Reinhard Bütikofer, European Green Party co-chair
Monica Frassoni, European Green Party co-chair

Photo by Jason Hargrove